Mission Statement

To help support by financial means the personnel and families of members of the Canadian Armed Forces and ancillary government services, in particular those demonstrating need after stressful duties performed by members at home or abroad. These will primarily be via charitable or qualified donee organizations.

Aims & Objectives of the Foundation

  1. The Foundation’s benevolence may where it is deemed appropriate by decision of the board be extended to veterans’ organizations or organizations promoting the legacy of the CAF or those institutions devoted to the support and welfare of veterans, or to their families.
  2. Where it is deemed appropriate by decision of the board, the Foundation may financially assist or reward individual cadets or cadet or other organizations devoted to the training of Canadian youth by character-building or patriotic means.


Cheques payable to: Order of St George Foundation

Mail cheques to:
La Fondation de l'Ordre de Saint-Georges
c/o Gary Titley & Associates
Unit 7 – 80 Hamilton Street North
Waterdown ON L8B 0G8

Donate Online

Questions or information

Email Inquires:


Our Charity Registration:

Business Number: 83351 2049 RR0001

Canada Revenue Agency Confirmation (click here)

2018-2019 Foundation Board of Directors

Chair/President  Ian Poulter, KCStG
Deputy Chair  Greg Bailey, KStG
Secretary/Treasurer  Gary Titley, KStG
Directeur  Bryan Elson, KStG
Directeur  Alan Plett, KCStG
Directeur  Terence Cottrell, KCStG
Directeur  Allen Bird, KCStG