Welcome to Cascadia Priory, the West Coast Priory of the Order of St. George, Grand Priory of Canada and the Americas.

We are committed to serve and support the military communities, Veterans, and those still serving, of Western Canada and the United States. Service and support includes fundraising, project development, project collaboration with other similar charitable organizations, and links to relevant resources and services.


Prior: Chevalier Barry Drews KStG
Deputy Prior:
Treasurer: Dame Yvonne Theroux DStG
Communications External: Dame Rowena Rizzotti DStG
Past Prior: Chevalier Steven Mohns KGCStG
Past Prior: Chevalier Allan Plett KCStG


The Order of St. George

Cascadia Investiture

Friday April 25th 2025 – Saturday April 26th 2025

Holy Trinity Cathedral – New Westminster, British Columbia

Hotel Accommodations:
Executive Plaza Hotel – 405 North Road #1 , Coquitlam Bc V3K 3V9


Bringing the Code of Chivalry to the modern age

September 26, 2024/by Vickie Russell

B.C. Rotary Club Veterans Program to Provide Mental Health Support in Ukraine

June 28, 2023/by Vickie Russell

Canadian Walk For Veterans 2023

June 28, 2023/by Vickie Russell

Citadel Canine Cheque Presentation

June 22, 2023/by Vickie Russell

ACR Royal Westminster Army Cadet 2822 for the Legion Medal Presentation

June 10, 2023/by Vickie Russell

Legion Veterans Village Open

February 24, 2023/by Vickie Russell

Cascadia Priory Gifts a Copy of Afghanistan: A Canadian Story to the Mayne Island Library

October 18, 2022/by Vickie Russell

Kamloops “Canadian Walk For Veterans”

September 29, 2022/by Vickie Russell

British Columbia Regiment Battalion Parade 2022

September 24, 2022/by Vickie Russell

British Columbia Regiment Hill 140 Remembrance Service

August 18, 2022/by Vickie Russell

Citadel Canine Society Fundraiser

June 9, 2022/by Vickie Russell

Video Coverage 2022 Investiture

April 29, 2022/by Vickie Russell

Cascadia Investiture 2022

April 23, 2022/by Vickie Russell

‘He was not just my interpreter’: Veteran helped Afghan and his family resettle in Canada

November 13, 2021/by Vickie Russell

Cascadia Prior Recognized as Honourary Metis

September 17, 2021/by Vickie Russell

Cascadia Prior Recognized as Honourary Metis

September 16, 2021/by Vickie Russell

Cascadia Priory Change of Prior

September 15, 2021/by Vickie Russell

The Fallen 9/11 20th Anniversary Tribute

September 14, 2021/by Vickie Russell

Cascadia Priory Promotions

September 14, 2021/by Vickie Russell

Silver cross mother who lost son in Afghanistan anguished by Taliban takeover

August 22, 2021/by Vickie Russell

In Memoriam: Chevalier Larry Arkell

May 19, 2021/by Vickie Russell


May 7, 2021/by Vickie Russell

Captain Trevor Greene inspires Legion Veterans Village

November 7, 2020/by Vickie Russell

Welcome Distinguished Knights and Dames

October 15, 2020/by Vickie Russell

OStG Anthology Features Members – Part 1: Cascadia Commandery

September 19, 2020/by Vickie Russell